Get involved
Have your say
The plans for a new integrated retirement community in Tunbridge Wells were approved by Tunbridge Wells Borough Council in January 2023.
Working in partnership with the local community is very important to us. If you have any questions. thoughts on our plans or would like to get more involved in shaping the community we’re building, you can get in touch with the team by visiting the Contact Us page.
Watch this space
We will be keeping the community updated on our progress on-site via this website.
You can get in touch with the team and register for our regular newsletters by visiting the Contact us page.

Consultation Process
We have worked hard to listen and understand the views of the local community by engaging with residents, stakeholders and community groups to help shape our plans and bring forward a scheme that will benefit the local area.
To find out more about our consultation you can read the documents below:
Statement of Community Involvement
Design & Access Statement (application reference number: 22/02304/FULL)
The full planning application can be viewed here (application reference number: 22/02304/FULL)